Mustache (JavaScript, Very Popular) | JavaScript | 5 | a zero-dependency implementation of the mustache template system in JavaScript. | | 3148051 | 15.4k | 2.7k |
Handlebars (JavaScript, Very Popular) | JavaScript | 5 | an extension to the?Mustache templating language?created by Chris Wanstrath. | | 11405380 | 16.9k | 2.1k |
Nunjucks (JavaScript, Popular) | JavaScript | 4 | A powerful templating engine with inheritance, asynchronous control, and more | | 464138 | 8k | 637 |
EJS (JavaScript, Popular) | JavaScript | 4 | Embedded JavaScript templates | | 11499878 | 6.9k | 761 |
Pug (JavaScript, Very Popular) | JavaScript | 5 | Pug �C robust, elegant, feature rich template engine for Node.js | | 1326800 | 21.1k | 2k |
Jade (JavaScript, Popular) | JavaScript | 4 | a templating language for Node.js and the browser. | | 8945 | 11890 | 2717 |
Dust (JavaScript, Popular) | JavaScript | 4 | a powerful, open-source static site generator written in Node.js. | | 1845 | 2919 | 517 |
Art-template (JavaScript, Popular) | JavaScript | 4 | High performance JavaScript templating engine | | 85100 | 9.7k | 2.7k |
DoT (JavaScript, Popular) | JavaScript | 4 | The fastest + concise javascript template engine for nodejs and browsers. Partials, custom delimiters and more. | | 467577 | 4.9k | 1k |
Swig (JavaScript, Popular) | JavaScript | 4 | a software development tool that connects programs written in C and C++ with a variety of high-level programming languages.? | | 8845 | 4.9k | 1.1k |
Liquid (Ruby, Popular) | Ruby | 4 | an open-source template language created by Shopify and written in Ruby. It is used to load dynamic content into web pages and emails. | | 2717 | 3837 | 790 |
ERB (Ruby, Very Popular) | Ruby | 4 | allows developers to embed Ruby code into HTML files which can then be rendered as dynamic webpages or emails. | | 541 | 1521 | 602 |
Haml (Ruby, Popular) | Ruby | 4 | a templating language that makes it easy to create HTML | | 8945 | 4890 | 1073 |
Slim (Ruby, Popular) | Ruby | 4 | a lightweight templating language for Ruby that allows you to quickly create HTML documents with minimal effort. | | 5919 | 3817 | 602 |
Jade (Ruby, Popular) | Ruby | 4 | a template engine for the Ruby programming language that enables developers to quickly generate HTML documents from their codebase without having to write out all of the markup manually . | | 2937 | 1020 | 145 |
Mustache (Ruby, Popular) | Ruby | 4 | a logic - less template engine written in Ruby which allows you to easily generate HTML pages from your codebase without having to write out all of the markup manually . | | 2841 | 1614 | 439 |
Handlebars (Ruby, Popular) | Ruby | 4 | an extension of Mustache which adds support for more advanced features such as partials and helpers while still maintaining its simple syntax and logicless approach . | | 2841 | 1614 | 439 |
ERubi (Ruby, Popular) | Ruby | 4 | an extension of ERb which adds support for more advanced features such as partials and helpers while still maintaining its simple syntax and logicless approach | | 1743 | 1094 | 213 |
Rabl (Ruby, Popular) | Ruby | 4 | a template engine for Ruby that allows you to quickly generate HTML documents from your codebase without having to write out all of the markup manually | | 2937 | 1020 | 145 |