Top 10 Automated Testing Tools for Websites
Automated testing tools for websites are a great way to ensure that your website is functioning properly and providing the best user experience possible. We can use these tools to test the functionality of web pages, check for broken links, and identify potential security vulnerabilities. Automated testing tools can also measure website performance, such as page loading times and response times. By using automated testing tools, you can quickly identify any issues with your website before they become major problems.

the top 10 automated testing tools for websites.
1. Selenium – – An open-source automated testing tool for web applications across different browsers and platforms.
2. Watir – – An open-source Ruby library for automating tests on websites or web applications.
3. TestComplete: – A commercial automated testing tool for desktop, mobile, and web applications.
4. Ranorex: – A commercial automated testing tool for desktop, mobile and web and web applications. It has a user-friendly interface and powerful features such as object recognition and data-driven testing capabilities.
5. Appium: – An open-source test automation framework for use with native, hybrid, and mobile web apps on iOS and Android platforms using the WebDriver protocol or Appium’s own JSON Wire Protocol (JWP).
6. SoapUI: – An open source functional testing platform for automating API testing of SOAP/REST services. Also available for other types of services such as JMS or JDBC connectivity via HTTP/S protocol, with SOAP UI Pro and open source versions from SmartBear Software.
7. Cucumber: – An open-source BDD (Behavior Driven Development) framework used to write acceptance tests that are understandable by non-technical stakeholders such as business analysts or product owners in order to ensure that the application meets their requirements before it is released into the production environment.
8 .TestCafe: A free and open source NodeJS-based end-to-end test automation framework. It is designed specifically for web sites and web applications and supports all major browsers including Chrome, Firefox, Safari & Edge and does not require any additional setup.
9. Katalon Studio: – A free and powerful test automation platform. Designed specifically for API, web and mobile application testing, it supports multiple scripting languages. For example, there are: Groovy Scripting Language (GSL), Java Scripting Language (JSL) and Python Scripting Language (PSL), etc.
10. QTP/UFT:– HP’s QuickTest Professional / Functional Testing is a commercial functional automation tool. It can be used to automate regression testing of GUI-based applications on multiple browsers and operating systems with support for the VBScript language.
To sum up,Choosing the right website test tools for your website development project will make your website much more robust and bring happiness to your customers. SO using for your website development bug reports will make the testing much easier as well.