
Top 10 API services to post to social media platforms


To use an API to send a blog post to a group of social media platforms. Firstly, you need to integrate the API of your chosen API service into your blog or website. This integration process typically involves creating an account with the service, obtaining an API key, and using the API to automate the posting process by sending a request to the service with the post content, scheduling information, and other relevant data. Some API services can provide pre-built libraries, code samples, and other resources. These also can help you get started with the integration process.

The exact steps for integrating the API and sending a blog post will vary depending on the specific API service and programming language you are using. So be sure to consult the documentation for your chosen API service for more information.

Here are the top 10 API services:

1. Hootsuite API: – Supports Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and many other social media platforms.

2. Buffer API: – Supports Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.

3. Sprout Social API: – Supports Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and many other social media platforms.

4. Later API: – Supports Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter.

5. CoSchedule API:– Supports Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and many other social media platforms.

6. Agorapulse API: – Supports Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and many other social media platforms.

7. SocialPilot API: – Supports Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and many other platforms.

8. Sendible API: – Supports Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and many other platforms.

9. Loomly API: – Supports Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and many other platforms.

10. Planable API: – Supports Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and many other platforms.

Sample code to post to the social media platform

To post a new website blog using the Hootsuite API to Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Set up your Hootsuite Developer Account: Ensure you have a Hootsuite developer account and have created an app to get your API key.

  2. Get Access Tokens for Social Media Accounts: You need access tokens for Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. This typically involves OAuth authentication.

  3. Install Required Node.js Packages: Use axios for making HTTP requests and dotenv for managing environment variables.

  4. Write the Node.js Script: The script will use the Hootsuite API to create a post and publish it to the specified social media accounts.

Here’s an example of how you can do this:

javascriptCopy Code
// Install required packages:
// npm install axios dotenv

const axios = require('axios');

const HOOTSUITE_ACCESS_TOKEN = process.env.HOOTSUITE_ACCESS_TOKEN; // Store your Hootsuite access token in .env file

async function postToSocialMedia(blogTitle, blogUrl) {
  const message = `${blogTitle} - Read more at ${blogUrl}`;

  const payload = {
    text: message,
    socialProfileIds: [
    scheduledSendTime: new Date().toISOString() // Optional: Schedule time if needed

  try {
    const response = await, payload, {
      headers: {
        Authorization: `Bearer ${HOOTSUITE_ACCESS_TOKEN}`,
        'Content-Type': 'application/json'

    console.log('Post successful:',;
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error posting to social media:', error.response ? : error.message);

// Example usage:
const blogTitle = 'New Blog Post Title';
const blogUrl = '';

postToSocialMedia(blogTitle, blogUrl);

Steps to Follow:

  1. Create a .env File: Store your sensitive information like access tokens and profile IDs.

    Copy Code
  2. Run the Script: Execute the script using Node.js.

    bashCopy Code
    node your_script_name.js


  • Make sure you replace placeholder values with actual data.
  • Ensure that you have the necessary permissions and tokens for each social media platform.
  • The Hootsuite API might have rate limits and other restrictions, so refer to their API documentation for detailed information.

This script provides a basic example. Depending on your specific requirements, you might need to handle additional scenarios such as error handling, scheduling posts, or uploading media files.


In summary, these API services allow you to automate and streamline your social media posting processes by integrating with your existing systems and tools. Consider evaluating each of these options based on your specific needs and requirements to determine which one is the best fit for you. If you are working on a marketing project, utilizing for marketing project management will not only improve your efficiency by providing marketing project management, file sharing, and video content distribution capabilities, but it will also greatly improve your efficiency. Of course, you can also sign up for a trial and can try.