
The Role of Large Language Models in Biotech and Drug Discovery


Large-scale language modeling is an important technology in the field of artificial intelligence in recent years, and its application has been extended to various fields. In the field of biotechnology and drug discovery, large-scale language modeling also plays an important role. In this paper, we will explore the application of large-scale language modeling in Biotech and Drug Discovery.


Biotechnology and drug development are the core of modern medical field. Which is of great significance to human health and disease treatment. However, the traditional biotechnology and drug development process is usually time-consuming and laborious, requiring a large amount of experimental data and human resources. With the emergence of large-scale language models, researchers have begun to explore how to utilize this technology to accelerate the biotechnology and drug development process.

Application of Large Language Modeling in Biotechnology

Bioinformatics research:

large-scale language models can process and analyze large-scale bioinformatics data, such as genomic data, protein sequences and so on. By training large language models, researchers can discover the interrelationships between genes, predict protein structure and function, etc., thus providing more accurate and efficient tools for bioinformatics research.

Drug discovery:

The traditional drug discovery process usually requires a lot of experiments and screening work. With the help of large-scale language modeling, researchers can search for relevant information in massive literature and databases, and quickly find candidate compounds and drug targets. In addition, LLMs can predict the properties and interactions of molecules and assist in the design of novel drugs.

Drug Dosage Optimization:

Determining drug dosage is an important issue in drug development and treatment. Large-scale language models can predict the dose-response relationship of drugs in different populations by analyzing clinical data and a large amount of medical literature, and provide individualized treatment plans.

Potential impact of large-scale language modeling

Accelerating the R&D process:

The traditional biotechnology and drug development process usually takes years or even longer to achieve breakthroughs. Using large-scale language models, researchers can access and analyze relevant data faster, accelerating the R&D process and improving efficiency.

Reduce R&D costs:

Traditional biotechnology and drug discovery requires large investments in experiments and equipment, resulting in high R&D costs. Large-scale language models can provide a more cost-effective way to reduce the cost of experiments and equipment, thus lowering the overall cost of R&D.

Personalized treatment:

With the help of large language models, doctors can provide personalized treatment plans for each patient based on the patient’s genomic information and clinical data. This will help improve the treatment effect, reduce unnecessary side effects and improve the quality of life of patients.

Biotech and Drug Discovery

Future direction of development

With the continuous progress of large-scale language modeling technology, future applications in biotechnology and drug development will continue to expand. The following are some possible directions of development:

Combining with other technologies:

large language models can be combined with other artificial intelligence technologies. Such as computer vision and deep learning, to provide more comprehensive and accurate analysis and prediction results.

Data sharing and collaboration:

biotechnology and drug discovery require the support of large amounts of data, which are often collected and stored by different labs and institutions. Establishing a platform for data sharing and collaboration can help improve data accessibility and utilization.

Legal and ethical issues:

With the increasing application of large-scale language models in biotechnology and drug R&D, related legal and ethical issues. Such as privacy protection and intellectual property rights, need to be emphasized.


Large-scale language modeling brings great potential and opportunities to the field of biotechnology and drug discovery. By accelerating the R&D process, reducing costs, personalizing treatments, and other applications, large language models will make important contributions to human health and medical progress.