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Advantages of Sflow.io Video Advantages of Sflow.io Video
Video voice

Video voice, 17 languages to choose from

17 languages include: Turkish language, Swedish language, Arabic, Chinese, Czech language, Dutch language, English, Finnish language, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish language, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish.

Lightweight video tool, user friendly and easy to use

Lightweight video tool
Lightweight video tool

Lightweight video tool, user friendly and easy to use

Track customer engagement in play details

Track customer engagement in play details

Application Scenario Application Scenario
Product sales

Product sales

Traditional static PPT/PDF files to AI voice video, with customer languages, tracking customer engagement, and content performance.

Product marketing

Product marketing

Marketing video content attracts customer attention, allowing customers to choose their preferred language, and video content can be updated and optimized in real-time.



Video teaching makes learning more convenience and resolves language barriers.

Video Cases Video Cases
Neuvition high resolution solid state Lidar BP share edition
English Introduction to sflow Video
Neuvition Lidar-Titan W1

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