Package Managers for Web Frontend

Package managers are libraries that allow developers to easily install, update, and manage software packages. They are commonly used in frontend development to quickly add libraries and frameworks such as React, Angular, or Vue. Package managers can be used to install packages from a repository or from a local directory. They also provide version control so that developers can easily switch between different versions of the same package. Additionally, they provide dependency management so that all the necessary dependencies for a package are installed automatically when it is added to the project.

List of top libraries:
Library name Language Popularity Description Download link Weekly download Stars Forks
npm (JavaScript, Very Popular) JavaScript 5 Send us a pull request by editing expansions.txt 2k 3k
yarn (JavaScript, Very Popular) JavaScript 5 This repository holds the sources for Yarn 1.x (latest version at the time of this writing being 1.22). New releases (at this time the 3.2.3, although we're currently working on our next major) are tracked on the?yarnpkg/berry?repository, this one here being mostly kept for historical purposes and the occasional hotfix we publish to make the migration from 1.x to later releases easier. 41k 2.9k
pnpm (JavaScript, Very Popular) JavaScript 5 Fast, disk space efficient package manager? 21.3k 636
npm (TypeScript, Very Popular) JavaScript 5 Find newer versions of package dependencies than what your package.json allows 7.8k 312
yarn (TypeScript, Very Popular) JavaScript 5 Yarn is a modern package manager split into various packages. Its novel architecture allows to do things currently impossible with existing solutions: 5.9k 913
pnpm (TypeScript, Very Popular) JavaScript 5 Wireit upgrades your npm/pnpm/yarn scripts to make them smarter and more efficient. 4.2k 69
yarn (Java, Very Popular) Java 5 Libre Minecraft mappings, free to use for everyone. No exceptions. 711 335
pnpm (Java, Very Popular) Java 5 6 2
npm (Python, Very Popular) Python 5 The original implementation of Min et al. "Nonparametric Masked Language Modeling" 89 9
yarn (Python, Very Popular) Python 5 Yarn is a set of open, unencumbered Minecraft mappings, free for everyone to use under the Creative Commons Zero license. The intention is to let everyone mod Minecraft freely and openly, while also being able to innovate and process the mappings as they see fit. 41 44
npm (PHP, Very Popular) PHP 5 NPM/Bower Dependency Manager for Composer 901 161

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