Templating Backend Libraries

Web backend Templating libraries are software tools that enable developers to generate HTML or other markup using templates. Templating refers to the process of creating a basic structure for a web page or application and then filling in the specific content using variables or other placeholders. Templating libraries provide a way to define templates and insert dynamic content into them so that the resulting markup can be sent to the client's browser. Some popular web backend templating libraries include Jinja2 (Python), Handlebars.js (JavaScript), and ERB (Ruby). By using templating libraries, developers can create more dynamic and customized web applications without needing to write repetitive code for generating markup. This can lead to faster development times, easier maintenance, and a more consistent look and feel across an entire web application.

Top 10 web backend Templating libraries for generating HTML or other markup using templates, their popularity, URL, and description

1. Jinja2 (Popularity: 8/10, URL: http://jinja.pocoo.org/, Description: A full-featured template engine for Python, Jinja2 provides an easy way to generate any text-based format from templates.)

2. Mustache (Popularity: 7/10, URL: https://mustache.github.io/, Description: Mustache is a logic-less templating language that can be used for HTML, config files, source code - anything you can imagine.)

3. Handlebars (Popularity: 8/10, URL: http://handlebarsjs.com/, Description: Handlebars is a popular templating library that allows developers to quickly and easily create dynamic HTML pages with minimal coding effort.)

4. EJS (Popularity: 6/10, URL: https://ejs.co/, Description: EJS is a simple templating language that lets you generate HTML markup with plain JavaScript)

5. Pug (Popularity: 7/10, URL: https://pugjs.org, Description: Pug is an elegant and feature-rich template engine for Node and the browser which supports both server-side and client-side rendering )

6 . Dust (Popularity: 6 / 10, URL: https://github.com/linkedin/dustjs, Description: Dust is an asynchronous JavaScript templating system designed to provide high performance on both the server and client sides )

7 . Velocity (Popularity: 5 / 10, URL: http://velocity.apache.org/, Description; Velocity is a Java-based template engine that provides web developers with a simple yet powerful tool to render dynamic content )

8 . Smarty (Popularity; 7 / 10, URL; http//www.smarty.net/ description Smarty is one of the most popular PHP template engines It offers great flexibility in terms of customizing your output )

9 . Twig (Popularity; 8 / 10, URL; https://twig.symfony.com/ description Twig is a modern template engine for PHP It's fast flexible, and secure )

10 . Razor (Popularity; 9/10; URL; https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/razor-pages/?view=aspnetcore-7.0&;tabs=visual-studio; Description; Razor syntax enables you to combine server code with HTML markup in ASP NET Core web apps)

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